October Chamber Forum @ The Future of Work Summit
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 (11:30 AM - 1:15 PM) (PDT)
October's Thurston Chamber Forum will be integrated into the 3rd annual regional Future of Work Summit during the Keynote Lunch on October 9 at Great Wolf Lodge.
With a labor shortage on the horizon, now is the perfect time to rethink how we approach the workplace. Whether you’re a small business owner, executive, or HR professional, this event is designed for you. We’ll cover innovative ideas like second-chance employment, partnering with local schools to find new talent, and building inclusive, thriving workplaces.
We’re excited to announce Debra Giordano, Vice President of Service Delivery at Equus Workforce Solutions, as our Future of Work keynote speaker! With over 25 years of experience in workforce development, Debra will delve into the shifting demographics and what today’s employees truly seek. As the labor market undergoes a paradigm shift, Debra will offer creative solutions to help employers bridge the coming labor shortage and stay ahead of the curve.
Debra leads a national team of experts supporting more than 4,000 employees across various business lines, including career centers, disability employment programs, and services for those at risk of homelessness. Known for her collaborative approach and practical insights, Debra brings a wealth of experience from both the private and government sectors. Her track record in strategic planning, building high-performing teams, and leading change makes her an ideal guide for navigating the future workforce landscape.
For further information or if you are needing special accomodations, please contact Jessica Houchin, Operations and Events Coordinator, at 360.357.3362 or email jhouchin@thurstonchamber.com
Parking passes are inlcuded in your ticket purchase, thanks to our parking sponsor Ironwood Strategies.
$40 - Keynote Lunch Registration
includes parking pass
20500 Old Hwy 99 SW
Grand Mound, WA 98531 United States
11:30 am Doors Open for Keynote Lunch Admission
12pm - Program
Chamber Event